Run 134

from January 3, 2004 to April 9, 2004

Previous runs are here

Run 134

Off Days: Friday and Saturday

Note: After working runs that work fairly long hours (and pay fairly well), I am ready for a break and this run is, I hope, just the ticket. Weekdays, I am only driving for 6 hours and 44 minutes, Sunday is a bare 8 hours, even though it is on the 1 line. (208758)

Note on signup: Signup started Tuesday, November 11, 2003, I signed up at 725am Wednesday, the second day of the signup. Ranked 127 of 276 in my division (6.5 years seniority).

Weekday Schedule:
060/1137 2108 056/254(311)SD350)
*350 4160 739**

Which translates to: I relieve run 60 inbound at Hayes & Masonic at 1137am on the 21 line. I am relieved by Run 56 inbound at Hayes and Masonic at 254pm, I am paid 17 minutes travel time back to the division and am theoretically on duty, subject to orders at the division til 350pm. I report for my second half at 350pm, and pull out from Presidio Yard at 400pm to the 41 line. I pull in at 739pm.

Sunday Schedule:
028/1042 104 643**
I relieve run 28 inbound at 1042am on the 1 line and pull in at 643pm.

Saturday Schedule:
*907 2106 655**
Only in service on this schedule on holidays with a Saturday schedule.

Below are .gif's of my printed schedule (my paddle). Note that these are displayed at low resolution on the webpage, but the images are at full resolution, so viewing them directly should be at full size (usually right-click and view image, they should be printable from this point too):

Weekday Middays:
(Paddle not scanned yet) 2 trips on the 21

Weekday Afternoons:

Sunday Outbound:

Sunday Inbound:

Saturday Schedule:
(only on holidays running a Saturday Schedule)
(paddle not scanned)

Scheduled Days Off:

Furlough1: December 8. 2003

Furlough2: Thursday, January 29, 2004

Floater1: August 4, 2003

Floater2: Sunday, February 29, 2004

Previous schedules:

Run 125 - Fall 2003 (2516xx)

Run 154 - Summer 2003 (2713xx)

Run 151 - Spring 2003

You can contact me at: or

Page Updated Jun 7, 2004